Portrait of a mature woman looking out over the countryside.

Feedback in your online course

Written by Mona Maxwell, Senior Instructional Designer Edited by Nancy Fischer and Lori Isber What is feedback?  Feedback at the post-secondary level ranges from advising a student in an aircraft maintenance program how to rivet, to clarifying how to write in a certain genre, to specifying aspects of mathematical word problem interpretation. Feedback fills the gap between our current knowledge (what we currently know) or skill (what…

A multi-ethnic team of co-workers meet together via video conferencing.

Avoiding Screen Fatigue

Written by  Iwona Gniadek, Instructional Designer Edited by Nancy Fischer Screen fatigue, or known by its new moniker as Zoom Fatigue, is a feeling of weariness during or after attending a videoconference. Everyone is likely to experience it, with differing symptoms such as eye/emotional distress, avoidance of social contact, and feeling too mentally drained to do anything…