Text : Manitoba flexible learning hub's quality course quarterly. Isometric illustration of students learning in a classroom build upon a floating platform, scattered around are learning items and gears.

Quality course quarterly newsletter


The Quality Course Quarterly (QCQ) is a periodic Manitoba Flexible Learning Hub (MB Hub) newsletter about practical strategies, tips, resources and examples for building quality online, blended or hybrid courses.

The QCQ will supply resources from Quality Matters, and other course development frameworks to help MB Hub members take an iterative approach to building and maintaining the highest quality online, blended (hybrid) courses.

How to sign up for the QCQ

The QCQ newsletter is automatically sent to individuals with a free Quality Matters account who are also staff at an MB Hub partner institution. 


You will need to use your institutional email address from one of our seven partner institutions to create an account: 

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Stay current on resources, upcoming workshops or events for instructional staff who teach online, blended or distributed learning courses by signing up for the monthly MB Hub newsletter.