Teaching Remotely in a Hurry

Update notice: This content has been flagged as needing revision. We are working on providing new content by June 30, 2024.

Where do I start?

Take a look at your course and ask yourself the following questions:

What is my course content?

Can the students access all the course content easily via hyperlinks to the library, publisher resources, and/or uploaded content in the course?

Am I offering any assignments?

Can students find all the information and instructions they need online to complete their assignments? Have you posted the deadlines for the assignments and set up the assignment submission tool so that they can submit them electronically? Have you set up a gradebook?

How will you replicate the in–class experience?

Do you present content (lecture), check for understanding and then get the students to work collaboratively on a project?

How do you give feedback to students?

Do you usually ask questions throughout the class to check for understanding? Do you usually give them low-stakes opportunities to for practice and feedback?

How will you communicate all these requirements and changes to the students?

You will be communicating with students exclusively online via email, Learning Management System (LMS) announcements and discussions, or online video sessions. What are your expectations of students communicating with you? What expectations do they have of you? You may want to set office hours where you are available through a video conferencing tool (eg. Webex) or by telephone.

Is my technology adequate for my needs?

You will need a computer and reliable internet access. You may need a headset with a microphone for high quality audio, and a webcam will be helpful will be helpful if you plan to share video of yourself during online meetings.

Did I follow the Academic Integrity guidelines?

Have you considered using an array of the UM Learn tools available to support and maintain academic integrity in your course? Have you considered implementing the academic integrity resources available to you?

Did I follow Copyright guidelines?

Review copyright considerations as you move your courses online. If you are uncertain whether you can use a resource or require assistance obtaining permission to use materials, contact your educational institution’s copyright office/coordinators.

Adapted from: Going Online in a Hurry: What to Do and Where to Start and Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning: Teaching Continuity.

Checklist for Teaching Remotely

Find your current teaching practice below, along with accompanying online/remote options.

  • Record video presentations for your class using your chosen device: laptop, video camera, or phone
  • Host a live online class using a video conferencing tool (eg. Webex)
  • Upload content to your Learning Management System (LMS) course
  • Annotate or narrate lecture notes using PowerPoint
  • Link to existing online content – Publisher resources, or other online resources
  • Use the Learning Management System (LMS) Discussions tool for class discussions
Hands-on activities (eg. labs, tutorials, seminars, field trips, design labs)
  • Provide raw data for virtual data analysis
  • Post online simulations, collections or demonstrations for discussion, critique, analysis
  • Provide external media files or links for virtual analysis
  • Have students submit video or digital recording of their presentations or performances
Group projects and group work
  • Break large classes into smaller online groups using your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Provide options for students to meet virtually (e.g. Webex)
  • Student video recording or digital sharing of projects or performances
  • Structure peer feedback using the Discussions on your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Email your students using your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) class list tool
  • Post Announcements for all students in educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Update your course outline, email it to your students, and upload it to your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) course site
Tests, quizzes, and final exams
  • Use your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) quiz tool
  • Explore online assessments such as group projects, reflective writing, written or photo essays, research reports, critiques, simulations, scenarios or case study presentations, ePortfolios
Office hours
  • Hold virtual office hours using an online conferencing tool (eg. Webex)
  • Create a FAQ in your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) Discussions tool
Assignments and feedback
  • Have students upload documents for grading using your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) Assignments tool
  • Set up the Grades tool in your educational institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) course site, and connect items to assignments
  • Have students submit video or digital recordings of their performances, presentations, or projects
  • Use rubrics to help grade assignments quickly
  • Provide digital (audio, video, or written) feedback on student assignments

Adapted from: The Taylor Institute, University of Calgary, Teaching Remotely Checklist. Last updated: 2020-03-13.

Teaching Continuity Considerations

  • Your students may know less about using your Learning Management System (LMS) than you think. Consider including prompts and instructions to direct them in accessing tools like Assignment submission tools and Discussion boards.
  • Many students will be accessing the internet on their phones. They may have limited data, so bear this in mind when uploading video lectures.
  • Students may be sharing their technology (laptop, desktop) with household members. They may have less time to do their homework, not more.
  • Some students may be losing their jobs and others may be putting in longer shift hours. This may have an impact on their ability to complete their assignments.
  • Synchronous work may be very problematic for the above listed reasons and should be only be used where essential to the functioning of the course.
  • If you are going to include videos, keep them short and to the point. Do not spend too much time editing, as you are not designing a fully online course, you are teaching remotely during a course disruption period.

Adapted from: GoodAnything.com.