A multi-ethnic team of co-workers meet together via video conferencing.

Avoiding Screen Fatigue

Written by  Iwona Gniadek, Instructional Designer Edited by Nancy Fischer Screen fatigue, or known by its new moniker as Zoom Fatigue, is a feeling of weariness during or after attending a videoconference. Everyone is likely to experience it, with differing symptoms such as eye/emotional distress, avoidance of social contact, and feeling too mentally drained to do anything…

An illustration of students sitting at desks with computer floating on squares, in the center is instructor floating and separate square using smart interactive whiteboard

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop 2021

The APPQMR workshop models the quality standards provided in the QM’s Higher Education Rubric. Participants appreciated being able to see how to structure a course site to provide clear navigation and a meaningful learning experience. All this is rooted in course elements that work together to help learners achieve the course learning outcomes.